It has been brought to the notification of Man Of God and originator and head prophet of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin, a deceptive proclamation from his companion, internet based life influencer and OAP, Daddy Freeze.
Daddy Freeze's announcement, which has since turned into a web sensation, was made on the 25th of April, 2020, as a reaction to a remark on Instagram.
It included Daddy Freeze attempting to safeguard his straightforwardness as a web based life influencer; the OAP's remark may have accidentally or purposefully inferred that Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin had offered him a money related blessing or pay off, which he would not acknowledge.
Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin has, in any case, come out to eliminate any confusion air over the exceptionally confounded proclamation.
In an official statement marked by his exposure secretary, Mr Moses Akpovotiti and his Media helper, Engr Tare Franklin Fufeyin, the godly man made it unequivocally clear what unfolded among himself and Daddy Freeze was a working intend to help Nigerians during the Lockdown time frame, utilizing Daddy Freeze's internet based life page.
The Man of God intended to utilize the web based life influencer as a channel to dispense Five million naira to Nigerians, and never made any pay off offer or any such proposal to Daddy Freeze.

As found in the discharge,
"The announcement made by Daddy Freeze is confounding and misdirecting to his character, proposing that he endeavored to pay off him in any capacity whatsoever.
"It ought to be clear, on record, this alleged 5 million naira was intended to be circulated to troubled Nigerians during the Lockdown time frame."
"The Man of God is known for his compassionate exercises and general generosity, and the data being passed around is very deceptive.
"Daddy Freeze ought not have utilized Prophet Jeremiah's magnanimous signals as reference, in whatever safeguard he was attempting to make for Apostle Suleman.
It is very hostile and deceiving, and we have since gotten open suggestions that Prophet Jeremiah offered Daddy Freeze a Five million naira pay off.
"Leave it alone exceptionally evident that the reason for this cash offered was to help Nigerians during this Lockdown and not as a blessing to Daddy Freeze, as his announcement may imply.
Elsewhere in the world, we might want to draw the consideration of the overall population to Prophet Jeremiah's predictions about the finish of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has begun to discover satisfaction.
The Man Of God who, on the 21st of March, gave a prescience of the finish of the pandemic inside a month and multi week, bunch by group, from country to country, has been commended by numerous individuals as the prediction is as of now being experienced over the world, with the infection step by step vanishing from country to country.
This is in reality an approval that Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin is a soul driven Man Of God!
Ideally, as indicated by President Buhari Nigeria, we will join different countries to come out of the Lockdown measures, similarly as the Man of God Prophesied on 21st and 24th of March, separately.
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